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How to move beyond the "clueless" or "quester" style types...

Did you get a chance to take my style quiz yet? Depending on your mood, chances are - you may end up with a different result if you take it again. It's a continuum, and I've identified with several types over the years. Throughout the pandemic there have been moments when I've felt a little clueless about what to wear in a new normal!

The Clueless Stage:

If you are currently at this stage, you may feel overwhelmed or unsure about what to buy if faced with the challenge of doing some shopping for your wardrobe. You probably feel pretty lost when it comes to style in general - especially when it comes to your own personal style. Overall, you don't know what clothes best flatter or suit. When it comes to your wardrobe, you want to work with at least some of what you've got, but don't know how to pull it all together. Your closet makes you feel confused - though you know it is something you need to face...

Even if you have always had a pretty good handle on your style, it's likely you could be feeling this way at the moment! For well over a year, much of our pre-pandemic wardrobe has hung in our closets. The world has changed, how we get dressed every day has changed, and we have also changed. Regardless of whether what's in the closet still fits, it may no longer feel like who we are today. All of that can lead to feeling quite clueless when it comes to the wardrobe and what to wear as social events slowly start to arise again or work returns to a new form of normal.

The Quester:

If you are at the questing stage, you shop a lot - but are rarely satisfied with your purchases. You tend to search because you also don't have a solid understanding of what best suits you. You want to achieve a style that makes you feel confident (and like you!), but aren't quite there yet. You may have spent a fair bit of time and money on your style to this point. Your closet probably has way too much stuff - likely most of it you aren't wearing...

You may feel currently at this stage if, as we come out of the pandemic, you are no longer feeling connected to the majority of what's hanging in your closet. You don't know what pieces will feel like you, but you feel you need something new. You may be looking for pieces to combine with what's in your wardrobe that you actually still wear and like; but aren't sure where to start. So you are questing...

Next steps:

If you align with either the Clueless or Quester - the best first step is to hone in or re-establish your style personality. I've put together my top tips and exercises here. If you take the time to walk through these activities - I promise you will be much further along on your style journey! I'd love to know what you discover along the way...

Need help? My styling services (either virtual or in-person) can help you figure this all out! Through an assessment of your current wardrobe, lifestyle, style personality - we'll create a wardrobe that you love, are excited to wear, and that feels like who you are today.



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